It’s time to train with a weighted vest

Being the diligent and open-minded wellness editor that I am, I found myself in Pure Barre class a month ago, wearing velcro wristbands on my ankles at eight o’clock in the morning.

I went through yoga circuits, planks and lunges, and almost forgot about the added weight, until we lined up along the ballet barre for pulses and leg lifts. I felt humiliated. I had no idea that simply sticking one leg out to the side was not in my immediate physical repertoire, and yet it took serious effort to perform the movement with conviction. The weights made it even more difficult.

Leg raises are one of the most effective ways to use “portable weights,” a subcategory of strength training that has skyrocketed in popularity over the past few years. According to an assessment of Google Trends data, consumer interest in wrist weights increased by 89% between 2019 and 2023. And we’re not far behind: interest in weighted vests increased by 61% during the same period.

Why does this happen? Hard to say for sure, but as people reconsider the connected fitness machines they invested in during the pandemic, weighted wearables represent a brand of wearable, subscription-free gear that can bring an inspired class or workout to the open air

As for which weighted wearable reigns supreme? It depends. For my purposes, I’m partial to weighted vests. While ankle (and wrist) weights work well for very specific movements, such as the leg raise in barre class or the lateral arm raise on the weight room floor, tin pose risks during a walk or a light jog. Weight distribution tends to stretch the tendons unnaturally (eg, weighing down the elbow joints) or force you to use irregular muscle patterns (eg, favoring the quads over the hammies).

Meanwhile, weighted vests are an excellent all-purpose wearable. Assuming you use them correctly, they have a unique ability to make workouts more challenging and fun. (It’s hard to do a weighted vest workout without thinking you’re part of some black ops unit.)

Here are some dos, some don’ts, a good weighted vest brand to get you started, and an unconventional workout sample to try, from a fellow in the wellness space.

Weighted vest Dos and don’ts

For starters, a rule of thumb: the weighted vest should not exceed 10% of your body weight. This is not rucking (where the training is slower and the packs tend to be much heavier). So if you weigh 180 pounds, shoot the 15 pound vest, not the 20 pound vest.

you I could I even want to consider the 10lb vest. It probably doesn’t sound like much, but this added load means additional resistance to the muscles, more caloric expenditure, more cardiovascular demands, and altered biomechanics. Even if you’re just powering up a hill, you’ll need to work harder to keep your core engaged, your posture set, and your lower half pumping. Fatigue will set in earlier than usual, like going for a run on a very humid day.

But as long as you’re safe, that’s a great thing. You can get an exciting, different, full-body workout with a weighted vest in 30 minutes or less. It’s the perfect way to overcome the notorious propensity to plateau in strength training. If you get into the habit of using one from time to time, especially in functional bodyweight exercises, you have a real opportunity to increase your muscle tone, bone density and even your sense of balance .

How to use a weighted vest

One of the best ways to incorporate a weighted vest into your routine? Weighted calisthenics. I’ve always found it easier to engage with these boring old moves when there’s an added challenge (like doing push-ups against a wobbly BOSU ball). You can easily put together a circuit from this training bench:

  • Push ups
  • squats
  • Push ups
  • lunges
  • planks
  • burpees

You can add more plyometric fare to a circuit, also moves like step-ups, mountain climbers, box jumps or even intervals with a jump rope. This is where going lighter on the weighted vest helps. You want this added weight to be challenging, but subtle; it shouldn’t wreak havoc on your knees. Check out these Omorpho options. I have tried the 8 lb. 12 oz. option It’s fantastic.

Another tip: If you’re inclined, you can splice “drop sets” into your circuit, where you no wearing the weight vest. Done well, this can be a huge psychological boost. Do more reps in these sets. Suddenly, 25 push-ups don’t seem so difficult.

An alternative training idea

Michael Mazzara, a wellness enthusiast and CEO of the Half Marathon Guide, is another fan of weighted vests and regularly offers a unique training regimen.

“About eight times a month, I put on a weight vest or grab a pair of kettlebells and walk backwards for a mile,” says Mazzara. “I usually do it at 2.5 miles per hour and on a steep incline. Why do I do that? Two reasons: One is for grip strength (inspired by Dr. Peter Attias Outlive: The Science and Art of Longevity), and the second is for knee stability.”

Historically, Mazzara says, he gets injured about once every six months. “If it’s not a hip problem, it’s a knee problem, and if it’s not a knee problem, I slept on my neck in a ‘special way’ and now I can’t turn my head,” she explains. But backward-weighted paths help you anticipate the worst and build strength. It is an example of “bulletproofing” the body.

“A 2023 study concluded that walking and running backwards reduces compressive stress on the knee joint,” he adds. “It could relieve knee pain and improve knee function while increasing quad strength if you had knee pain.”

Don’t put all your eggs in the weighted walking basket. Mazzara also regularly tackles moves like “monster walks, clams and one-leg squats” to strengthen her lower half. But the anecdote illustrates what a single piece of equipment can bring to a training routine: injury prevention, confidence and, most importantly, creativity.

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